Welcome to the chronicles of Life University, where history unfolds, and narratives come to life. Embark on a journey through time as we present a meticulously curated timeline of pivotal events that have shaped the rich tapestry of Life University’s existence. From its humble beginnings to transformative milestones, this timeline encapsulates the institution’s evolution, showcasing its unwavering commitment to education, innovation, and overall health and wellness. Join us in rediscovering the remarkable moments that have defined Life University’s legacy and continue to inspire generations to live a life filled with Lasting Purpose.
The Birth of Chiropractic
David Daniel Palmer of Iowa performs the first chiropractic adjustment on partially deaf Harvey Lillard, improving his ability to hear. D.D. Palmer opens the first school of Chiropractic two years later.
Chiropractors Jailed Nationwide
D.D. Palmer, along with many other chiropractors, including his son B.J. Palmer, are jailed for practicing medicine without a license. Chiropractors continue to be arrested and jailed throughout the first half of the 1900s for practicing their craft. Legal defenses point to chiropractic’s unique philosophy of “supremacy of the nerve” which differentiates chiropractic from other practices of the time. By 1922, one-by-one, states begin passing legislation officially licensing chiropractors, beginning to put an end to the madness.
BJ Death
Death of B.J. Palmer
Dr. B.J. Palmer dies, and with his death, many in the chiropractic profession began to lose their way and seek mainstream acceptance rather than stick to the principled foundation on which the profession was built.
Dynamic Essentials
Dr. Sid Williams forms Dynamic Essentials (D.E.), a regular seminar series dedicated to fortifying the profession and motivating chiropractors to return to practicing Chiropractic as it was originally intended by its forefathers Drs. D.D. and B.J. Palmer.
Life Foundation
The Life Foundation
Drs. Sid and Nell Williams (wife) spearhead the forming of the Life Foundation, which had education in their mission statement.
Vitalistic Movement
Creating a Vitalistic Movement
The idea for Life College of Chiropractic (LCC) takes root in Ormond Beach, Florida. A dozen or so D.E. chiropractors and their families vacationed there in the early 1970s, becoming close friends in addition to colleagues. And as they played with their children on the beach during the day and walked on the sand late into the night, they talked about how to create a vitalistic movement that might change the world of health care and even the world at large.
Life Chiropractic College is Born 1974
Life Chiropractic College is Born
Life Chiropractic College (LCC) was born in 1974 and began its first class, taught by Dr. Gerry Clum, in 1975 with a ribbon-cutting, the first of many, on January 20, 1975.
williams 1974
Dr. Sid Williams Named President
Founder Sidney E. Williams, D.C., becomes president of Life Chiropractic College. He serves from 1974-2002.
Classes Begin 1975
Classes Begin
Initially, 25 students started, though three left after the first week. But more students came, and within two years of its founding, Life Chiropractic College had received Correspondent Status with the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), established the Chiropractic Technicians’ Program and had an enrollment of 325 students.
First Chiropractic Degrees Awarded 1977
First Chiropractic Degrees Awarded
The first Life Chiropractic College graduating class of 35 doctors were awarded their Doctor of Chiropractic degrees in December 1977.
Rugby begins 1980

Life Chiropractic College Begins Its Rugby Program
Dr. Sid Williams has the vision and insight to establish the LCC Men’s Rugby Program. He was inspired by Dr. D.D. Palmer’s concept of using the sport of rugby for spreading the chiropractic message and attracting more students domestically and internationally.
Life West opens 1981
Life Chiropractic College West Opens
Life Chiropractic College facilitates the opening of Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California. Life’s then-admissions director, Dr. Gerard Clum, was appointed president of this new institution.
Sid and ICA 1982
Dr. Sid Williams Elected President of the ICA
Life Chiropractic College Founder Dr. Sid Williams is elected as president of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA), where he’ll serve from 1982-1985.
Life Larget DC School 1983
Life Chiropractic College Becomes the Largest Chiropractic College in the World
Life Enrollment grows to more than 1,800 students, making LCC the largest chiropractic college in the world.
Life fully accredited 1985
Life Chiropractic College Becomes Fully Accredited
LCC receives full accreditation from the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).
Rugby senior level 1986
Club Rugby Plays at Senior Level
Life Chiropractic College’s Club Rugby team begins playing at Senior Level and goes on to defeat the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in the Graduate School National Championship finals at Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
UG added 1989
Undergraduate Offerings Added
Life Chiropractic College began expanding its academic offerings to include a pre-chiropractic program offering all prerequisites for the D.C. degree. A Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Bachelor of Business Administration were added. With a true School of Undergraduate Studies, LCC was renamed Life College, Inc.
Olympics 1996
Atlanta Hosts Summer Olympics
Throughout its history, sports have played an important role at Life. Athletes often seek chiropractic care as a means of achieving peak performance, and during the mid-1990s, many turned to Life Chiropractic College to find the winning edge.
Prior to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, thousands of international athletes came to LCC to train and receive chiropractic care. Coaches and athletes alike were attracted to our Dynamic Essentials for Lasting Peak Performance (DELPP) program, which combined the philosophy of Chiropractic with high-level physical training and mental discipline.
Champions 1997
Life U’s Men’s Basketball team wins its first NAIA National Championship. Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its first NAIA National Championship in what begins a four-year dynastic streak. Life U Men’s Indoor Track & Field also won its first NAIA National Championship.
LCC become LU 1997
Life College, Inc. Becomes Life University
With the establishment of a master’s degree program in Sport Health Science, Life College begins offering academic programs with degrees at every academic level. The institution was renamed once again, becoming Life University, Inc. (Life U).
Champions 1998
Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its second NAIA National Championship.
Champions 1999
Life U’s Men’s Basketball team wins its second NAIA National Championship. Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its third NAIA National Championship.
Bell Tower1999
Bell Tower Erected
Life U’s iconic 46-foot-tall Bell Tower was installed, as well as the bronze statue of Dr. Sid Williams’ hands performing a Toggle adjustment in front of the Bell Tower. Inside the base of the tower is a memorial to persecuted chiropractors, with the names of several hundred engraved on its inner walls. The names are a list of every chiropractor who was ever imprisoned in the U.S. for practicing his or her craft. The sheltered chamber, a deliberately claustrophobic memorial, is the size of a typical jail cell. A bronze plaque inside the chamber offers special praise for Herbert Ross Reaver, “the most jailed chiropractor in the world,” who was arrested 13 times for practicing in Ohio.
Champions 2000
Life U Men’s Basketball team marks a dynasty with its third NAIA National Championship within four seasons. Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its fourth NAIA National Championship. Life U Men’s Indoor Track & Field wins its second NAIA National Championship. Life U Women’s Outdoor Track & Field wins its first NAIA National Championship. Life U Men’s Club Rugby wins USA Rugby Super League Championship.
Champions 2001
Life U Women’s Outdoor Track & Field wins its second NAIA National Championship, going back-to-back.
Schmidt 2002
Dr. Michael Schmidt Installed as Interim President
Michael Schmidt is installed as Life University’s second president on an interim basis in July 2002.
Dr. Benjamin DeSpain Named President
Benjamin DeSpain, Ph.D. is named the third president of Life University. He serves from 2003-2004.
GFR 2004
Dr. Guy F. Riekeman Named President
Guy Riekeman, D.C. is named fourth president of Life University, beginning a 13-year tenure of extreme growth for the University in enrollment, prestige and expansion. Within months of his appointment, he and Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Chuck Ribley raise millions of dollars for capital expenditures and operating costs.
Strategic Plan 2005
2020 Strategic Plan is Established
Life University establishes the 2020 Strategic Plan to include its Vision, Values, Mission, Eight Core Proficiencies, Strategic Initiatives and the Wellness Portfolio. The Strategic Planning Document is published with four phases: Life Promise, Rebranding, Website and Capital Campaign.
CHOP 2006
Center for Health and Optimum Performance Opens
Life U renovates and opens the Center for Health & Optimum Performance (C-HOP) at 1415 Barclay Circle.
CCHOP 2007
Opening of the Campus Center for Health and Optimum Performance
Life U renovates and opens the Campus Center for Health & Optimum Performance (CC-HOP).
Champions 2008
Life U Men’s Club Rugby wins Division 1 National Championship.
Largest DC College 2008
Life University Hailed as the World’s Largest Single-Campus Chiropractic College
Life University once again houses the largest single campus chiropractic college in the world, a distinction it holds to this day.
Harris Celebration 2008
William M. Harris Celebration of Life
Life U holds Celebration of Life for Dr. William M. Harris, the University’s largest benefactor.
Harris Center 2009
William M. Harris Memorial Erected on Campus
LF 1000 2009
LIFEforce 1000 is Established
Life U establishes LIFEforce 1000 (now LIFEforce), a group of Life U Alumni & Friends who are committed to sending students to Life U and help them spread vitalistic Chiropractic and Lasting Purpose around the world.
LVR 2010
Life’s Village Retreat Opens
Life University completes and opens state-of-the-art, upper-level student housing called Life’s Village Retreat (LVR), also known as simply “The Village.” The LVR is a four-story student housing facility containing 300 beds in primarily two bedroom, roommate-styled suites. The LVR is Gold-Level certified by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the authority in sustainable and “green” construction.
Socrates 2010
Completion of Socrates Café, Demonstration Kitchens and Bookstore
Life U completes and opens campus dining facility Socrates Café, as well as the Nutrition Department with Teaching and Demonstration Kitchens and a new Bookstore in the Center for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies building (now the Life U Shop).
Lyceum Park 2010
Construction of Lyceum Park
Life U completes the construction of Lyceum Park, complete with the Wellness Lifestyle Patio, Standard Process Amphitheater, Soap Box, Eight Core Proficiencies Fountain, Vitalism Fountain and Reflection Pools.
Founders Honored 2011
Founders Honored
Life U honors its founders with a dedication and unveiling of the Drs. Sid E. Williams & D.D. & B.J. Palmer Monuments in Celebration Plaza; a dedication of the Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library; a dedication of the Dr. Sid E. Williams Center for Chiropractic Research (CCR); and a memorialization through the establishment of the Path of Heroes.
Champions 2011
Men’s Varsity Rugby wins its first 7s National Championship.
FNC 2012
Life University Functional Neurology Center Opens
Implements the Functional Neurology Center on campus at 1415 Barclay Circle, which later becomes the NeuroLIFE Institute (NLI) in 2017.
IHPC 2012
Life University Hosts First Annual IHPC Conference
Life University Hosts 1st annual IHPC Conference (holds conferences for the next 10 years with exception of 2020 & 2021 (COVID).
Sid Celebration 2013
Dr. Sid E. Williams Celebration of Life
Hosted Dr. Sid E. Williams Celebration of Life event, culminating in the dedication of the Eternal Flame structure added behind the Life U Bell Tower.
Dan Payne video Rugby 2013
Life University Receives Automatic Invite to National CRC
Life U is invited back to the nationally televised 2013 CRC in Philadelphia due to the amazing support of our fanbase. Life University holds a multitude of events for students, alumni and fans in attendance.
Champions 2013
Life University’s Men’s Varsity Rugby team wins its first USA Rugby National Collegiate Men’s Rugby Championship. Life U Men’s Club Rugby wins second Division 1 National Championship.
CCISE 2014
Life University Establishes the Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics.
Champions 2014
Life U Men’s Club Rugby wins third Division 1 National Championship.
Anamatage 2015
Virtual Anatomy Lab is Created
Life University’s Virtual Anatomy Lab was created, allowing students to study anatomy on state-of-the-art digital Anatomage Tables, rather than cadavers. Life U’s Virtual Anatomy Lab features more Anatomage tables than any other higher education institution in the world (8). Additionally, unlike cadaver dissection, the University’s Anatomage tables provide students with life-sized, multi-layered 3D technology as well as the ability to view CT scans, giving them a detailed understanding of a body’s systems and how they are interconnected.
Students can label, highlight and capture detailed images to study at another time on their computer or tablet. And several research studies have shown that studying anatomy and physiology on Anatomage Tables leads students to be more engaged and perform better academically compared to cadaver dissection.
Rename field to Lupo 2016
Alumnus Dr. Joe Lupo Leads Effort to Renovate the Lower Athletic Field
Life U renovates lower athletic field with brand new turf, scoreboard, fencing, seating and media and coach’s boxes. The field is named Lupo Family Field, dedicated in honor of lead campaign supporter Dr. Joe Lupo (’78), his wife Sandy and children Jeff and Jesse.
Chillon 2016
Life University Launches the Chillon Project
Life University launches the Chillon Project, a degree-granting program for incarcerated students and correctional staff in the Georgia prison system – the only program of its kind offered by a college or university based in the state of Georgia since 1994.
Champions 2016
Life U Men’s Varsity Rugby team wins its second USA Rugby National Collegiate Men’s Rugby Championship.
Rubicon London 2016
The Rubicon Group Holds First Conference in London
Life U Establishes The Rubicon Group, a consortium of chiropractic educational institutions with the vision for universal access to chiropractic care for improved performance, the enrichment of life potential, greater health and well-being.
Lasting Purpose Fountain 2016
Lasting Purpose Fountain is Renovated
Life U renovates Lasting Purpose Fountain in Lasting Purpose Plaza between the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the Center for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS).
Olympics Ad 2016
Life University Takes its Message Worldwide
Life U buys 30 seconds of ad space on NBC’s coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, seizing the opportunity to broadcast our message of Vitalism and Chiropractic to millions worldwide.
Scott 2017
Dr. Rob Scott Named President
Rob Scott, D.C., Ph.D., is named the fifth president of Life University, beginning a tenure that has seen perseverance through a worldwide pandemic and continued elevation of Life U as the world’s foremost vitalistic healthcare institution in the world. Continued production of world-class healthcare practitioners, academic success, technological innovations, research, and diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of Dr. Scott’s initiatives since his appointment as president of Life U. With Dr. Scott’s appointment to president, Dr. Guy Riekeman was appointed as Life U’s Chancellor.
WMHC 2017
Administration Building Renovated into the William M. Harris Center for Clinical Education
The 2017 Spring Quarter brought about the highly anticipated renovation of the oldest building on the Life U campus, transforming what was formerly known as the Administration Building to what is now the William M. Harris Center for Clinical Education. This new facility is a teaching and skill-development chiropractic center that physically incorporates the existing Campus Center for Health and Optimum Performance (CC-HOP), Funded by Foot Levelers, on campus and provides expanded facilities for improved learning. The Harris Center contains a 23-room Assessment Center, a computer Mastery Testing Center, and Diagnostic Imaging and Alignment area.
Generations Wall 2017
Generations Wall Honors Families Dedicated to Chiropractic
Life U erects the Generations Wall, made possible by the generous donations of Dr. Amie Bend and Rich Giuli, which recognizes past and present families dedicated to Chiropractic and is the beacon that inspires other families to follow. The Wall, complete with a beautiful water feature, contains nameplates of chiropractic families that are both Life U alumni and friends.
Champions 2017
Men’s Club Rugby wins Division 2 National Championship.
Not so little U 2017
Life U Expands its Reach as Vitalistic Visionaries
With a growing student body and expanded list of degree offerings, Life University programs and initiatives extend worldwide, commanding an increased global presence in the fields of health care and wellness leadership.
Slideshow 1 2018
New Residential Facility Opens
Life U opens a new student housing facility, The New Commons (now The Commons), for its 2018 Fall Quarter class. The Commons accommodates 362 students and comes complete with study rooms, a two-story slide and the Commons Dining Hall campus eatery, which seats 200 diners and is an “all-you-can-eat,” buffet-style eatery.
Champions 2018
Life U Men’s Varsity Rugby team wins its third USA Rugby National Collegiate Men’s Rugby Championship.
BOT Mission Update 2019
Board of Trustees Updates Mission
Life University’s Board of Trustees updates the University’s Mission, Values and Vision.
Opiod Crisis 2019
Collective Formed to Fight Opioid Crisis
Life University, along with the International Health Policy Consortium (IHPC), Georgia Chiropractic Association (GCA), Georgia Council of Chiropractic (GCC) and the William M. Harris Family Foundation, come together in an effort to fight Georgia’s opioid epidemic with Relief Without Addiction – Opioid Crisis Initiative.
COE 2019
Establishment of the College of Online Education
The University establishes the Life University College of Online Education (COE).
Champions 2019
Life U Men’s Varsity Rugby team wins its fourth USA Rugby National Collegiate Men’s Rugby Championship. Life U Men’s Club Rugby wins fourth Division 1 National Championship.
2040 Strategic Plan 2020
Development of the 2040 Strategic Plan
Leadership adopts a comprehensive strategic plan for the future, constructed with Life University’s mission, vision and values in mind. It is a multi-year, multi-phase split into the following four phases: Phase 1 – Aligning for the Future (2020-2023); Phase II – Bridging to the Future (2024-2025); Phase III – Building the Future (2026-2030); and Phase IV – Manifesting the Future (2031-2040).
PAT 2020
CCR Develops PAT
Life University’s Dr. Sid E. Williams Center for Chiropractic Research (CCR) Develops Palpation and Adjustment Trainer (PAT). The most advanced palpation and adjusting technology in Chiropractic, PAT is an anatomically accurate, technology-based mannequin with the look, feel, size and weight of an average person. The mannequin features a 3D-printed or molded spine, pelvis and occiput surrounded by viscoelastic skin and soft tissue, simulating the actual experience of adjusting a human patient.
PAT contains 64 embedded pressure sensors at key spinal landmarks from the skull (EOP) to the pelvis and sacrum, helping students learn how to locate vertebral landmarks by palpation, find restricted motion and perform adjustments with controlled amounts of force and speed, along a specific vector.
GFR CCE 2020
Dedication of the Guy F. Riekeman, D.C. Center for Chiropractic Education
The Guy F. Riekeman, D.C. Center for Chiropractic Education (RCCE) was dedicated in the honor of Life U’s fourth president and first chancellor, Dr. Guy Riekeman.
Champions 2021
Life U Men’s Wrestling wins its first NAIA National Championship.
Ribley Center 2022
Dedication of the Dr. Chuck Ribley Lasting Purpose Alumni Event Center
Life U hosts a building dedication for the future site of the Dr. Chuck Ribley Lasting Purpose Alumni Event Center for both alumni and students. The building will be named in honor of co-founder and former longtime Board of Trustees (BOT) Chairman of the University.
Champions 2022
Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its fifth NAIA National Championship, and first since 2000.
Running Eagle Performance Center 2022
Running Eagles Performance Center Opens
Life U opens Running Eagles Performance (REP) Center, a 14,000 square-foot, multi-use facility overlooking Lupo Family Field that features a dedicated wrestling practice room, a strength and conditioning space, locker rooms, offices and athletic training space.
Champions 2023
Life U Men’s Outdoor Track and Field wins its sixth NAIA National Championship, marking back-to-back titles. Life U Women’s Rugby wins College Premier 7s National Championship.